Introverted students are more comfortable or enjoy activities that they can do themselves rather than having to be with other people. As parents of students at school, teachers should be able to recognize and understand the personality and way of learning of students. The teacher cannot force introverted students to behave like extroverted students because they can make children depressed. Then, how do you deal with introverted students? Come on, we know! 1. Introducing the surrounding environment to students Introverted children have a difficult tendency to socialize with their surroundings. So as a teacher, you can invite them to get acquainted with their environment gradually. Introverted children may also need time to be comfortable and open with their teacher or friend at school. Give them time and don't force them to be able to mingle with all friends. However, keep embracing and accompanying them in every activity so that they do not feel alone. Slowly, their cour...